You have most likely met me, but do you know me?
Inspired by another blog, I thought I would share a few tidbits about myself.
- Did you know I love flowers and plants and gardening? I'm certainly not an expert, but I would most likely spend my last dollar on a perennial for my backyard garden; preferably red or white. I love my yard and perennials. Many of them were gifts. Some for Mother's Day, some for Easter, a few from kind neighbors to cheer me up during some sad times. I especially love my red rose bush. It was given to me when I lost my mom. A kind neighbor brought it over and told me that it should always remind me of my mother. It's been a few years and the rose bush is still beautiful. It is in a spot where I see if every day. It is always bright , fragrant, and seems to keep its buds until the first snowfall. I always think of my mom when I see it.
- I know every word to Rapper's Delight. I was 12 years old when the song/rap came out. I was obsessed with it. I had it on vinyl. I remember my mom and dad asking me to shut it off most times it was playing on the stereo LOL.
- I hate to cook and love to eat. I hate cooking. I think it's because I hate messes. Thankfully, my husband is a talented cook that surpasses the expectations of anyone lucky enough to sit at our table. It doesn't matter if its breakfast, lunch, or dinner, the dude can cook and cook well!
- Speaking of eating, I will always prefer a good dessert to a full meal. Doesn't matter what meal it is, I will pick a huge dessert over fresh vegetables and a fine cut of meat every time. Sorry, not sorry!
- My favorite shows are medical shows. I use the term loosely as my "medical shows" are Dr. Pimple Popper and The Toe Bro. I find it so satisfying when I see severe skin cases remedied. I totally get the god complex that doctors develop. It is amazing how they can remedy such painful and awful conditions.
- I hate technology. Yes, I enjoy my iPhone, iPad, Apple watch etc., but would never be able to set them up myself. Also, as soon as they have a problem, I just shut them off and try to forget about them. Thankfully, my husband and kids love technology and have no difficulty figuring out how to use them/fix a problem with it.
- I am extremely impatient. I always have been. It's probably my worst quality. Why am I like this? After years of reflection, not really, I have come to the conclusion that it is a side effect of living with some many people growing up. Our family had two parents, 8 kids, and a grandfather. We had an upstairs bathroom in my grandfathers apartment that we could use and one downstairs bathroom. Two was not enough, but we made it work. Waiting for the bathroom seemed like a regular occurrence. Thus, my impatience - LOL. Also, I grew up in the city so it was common to take the bus. That required waiting for the bus. I hated taking the bus, especially in winter.
- My favorite number is 8. I like this number because on its side, it is the sign of infinity. Also, I am the youngest child of 8. I remember the look of pride on my parents face whenever someone would comment how many children they had. I recall always being asked why I didn't have red hair when the other seven kids did. My answer was always the same, "I guess they ran out." It always got a chuckle:)
Well, that's it for now. I'll stop at my favorite number. Take some time and think about some of the things you would share if you had to blog about yourself. How many people have you met that you really don't know?
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